Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade.
Improved Magician and c9 dealer integration further.
- When exporting an order to another c9 dealer, if the order is an accessory order for a magician mapped supplier c9 will automatically select that dealer and submit the order as a web order to them direct into their c9 system. It will correctly map franchsies etc based on magician mappings. So you could feasibly order a mix of Honda + Suzuki + KTM parts from Bolton's for example on the one order.
- When creating an invoice via point of sale, at end of the process c9 will give you the option to automatically export parts on order from magician mapped c9 dealers direct to them. No need to goto the order book to fire these orders off for once offs. Can happen entirely in point of sale screen.
Other changes:
- Bug fix with magician lookup. If no magician matches come up view supplier option for part mart is greyed out. Now fixed.
- Website content.
- Include a 'class' field which James will be able to use to make c9 powered website look even more mint.
- Tweak spec sheet config to include pricing, webclasses and notion of whether an item is summary only or detail only
- Import Kawasaki Fiche diagrams. Recent website changes broke import. Now working again.