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Australia's best motorcycle shop retail software
- Various integration fixes due to website changes
- Fixed F12 Magician for Mcleods
- Fixed import parts images for Mcleods
- Fixed fiche import for dealernet (KTM/Husky)
- Yamaha : show qty in Japan if none local
- Mcleods : show availability day it not immediately available
- Other / misc
- Unit Stocktake report : include a summary at end of the report. Option to print summary only
- Tweak how distributor data synchronization programmes are configured in add/edit franchise. Looking at some new reporting programmes for a few major suppliers. More details to follow in coming weeks.
- Tweaks to workaround/disable archiving of dealership units. Archiving only applies for customer units
- Add parts to workshop job via workshop. Make sure customer is recorded against parts move record
- Do not allow deletion of workshop deposits/withdrawals in browse activity screen