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Australia's best motorcycle shop retail software
- Unit consignment fixes
- Don't ask for payment method when cash customer is selected on consigment. No payment has been made yet
- For account customer is selected, consignment would flip out and report a GL journal entry error. Now fixed
- Husky / KTM Integration Stuff
- Create new format for KTM/Husky portal. Will include instructions on another post
- Popup a warning on existing Butmac AX integration that integration is potentially unreliable and operator should use portal method instead.
- Got Husky part enquiry working again, changes to husky website portal broke it
- Misc
- New workshop other report that shows invoiced sublets based on date sublet was invoiced, not when job was invoiced out.
- Bugfix: receive spares with no parts would not create GL records or biz activity record or record bill to be paid against creditor. Now fixed
- Workshop recall. Now possible to configure c9 so on completion, only jobs whose job types are configured as 'service' jobs will trigger recalculation of recall date.
Config option screen shot (setup -> main setup screen -> workshop notification tab):

Need to make job types service types as well: Workshop -> utilities -> job types