Includes database changes, you need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Spare parts
- Import spares quote. Also import discount settings from original quote
- Edit discount : provide calculators that factor in freight, to permit Inc. Freight pricing without having to bust out the calculator
- Workshop estimates
- Include a reference field which you can make things like 'WHEELFIT' etc , allows for easier usage of standard estimates, instead of searching by estimate number, you can search by reference
- Contacts
- Allow definiton of a standard order number that prepopulates into workshop and point of sale. Useful for councils/government bodies etc that operate off order number schemes.
- Vicroads forms changes
- Remove serial number from transfer form
- Add rego number to contract of sale particulars
- Systems integration
- API Changes to Honda get invoice function now implemented in c9
- Changed KTM parts query from old system to new system. (Now requires login to work)
- Yamaha parts Query : got it to work with web based VPN mechanism
- Data Miner
- Loyal customer spares profit query field would fail and generate a system error. Now fixed.
- System/Display
- Screen font size behaviour works better and resizes main screen buttons and side bar too. Becoming increasingly important for high DPI monitors etc
- Ability to change images c9 uses on screen such as customer icons. Make them rude icons and satisfy your inner adolescent. Needs to be setup on a per terminal basis. To make it happen you need to create a folder path under c:\c9, like this c:\c9\resources\images\ in this folder you need to drop in files with exactly the right filename.
- For account icons is needs to be any of following:
- Similar deal with workshop icons
- c:\c9\resources\images\job1.png
- c:\c9\resources\images\job2.png
- c:\c9\resources\images\job3.png
- c:\c9\resources\images\job4.png
- c:\c9\resources\images\job5.png
- c:\c9\resources\images\job6.png
- c:\c9\resources\images\job7.png
- c:\c9\resources\images\job8.png
- c:\c9\resources\images\job9.png
- c:\c9\resources\images\job10.png
- c:\c9\resources\images\job1.png
- All these display changes impact c9 remote access client, a new client will need to be installed and downloaded for sizing to work.