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Release 4.642 August 24, 2016 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade.

  • Contacts
    • Transaction list report. Include option to show all txns of a certain type. Debtor/Creditor or depositor txns.
    • Unpaid bills, option to sort by either supplier or due date.
  • Spares
    • Parts history on a stocked item, show total YTD
  • Bug fixes and tweaks
    • Workshop. Trying to invoice a fixed price job using credit card that is configured with % surcharge would flip out trying to add the % to the fixed price. Now working.
    • Unit sale. Add a GST exempt unit line item. If you clicked GST exempt without first setting base price, c9 would automatically untick it. You had to set base price first. Tweaked to work either way
    • KTM/Husky part enquiry , slight performance speedup
  • Fiche images
    • Tweaked image import post-processing to include automatic contrast optimisation. Diagrams that previously may look washed out and difficult to read should now look a heap better
    • Some initial, experimental work on importing Beta Motorcycles diagrams