Includes database changes, you'll need to log all terminals out during upgrade.
- Spares
- Edit discount calculation aids did not factor in line based discounts correctly. Now fixed
- Pricing on UOM items, did not round line total correctly on spares or workshop invoices. Now fixed.
- Tweaks and fixes
- Order export. For alternative orders (i.e. road freight) selecting export method would return an empty list of supported methods. Now fixed
- : allow flagging of bikes with no price set
- View/Moditfy job : disable P & L tab if 'Profit' privilege is not set for the currently logged in user
- Unit rollback sale. Screen was allowing user to key in a dealer #, and making a mess of rolling it back. Modified screen to constrain it to invoice # only, do not allow rollback of a deal.
- KTM/Husky ongoing battles
- Magician query. If query fails and part looks like it might be a piston kit, retry this time adding a space into query at necessary point
- Magician query. Allow entry of a second set of login credentials. If first set yields zero qty for part, try second login credentials. Useful for flushing out presense of parts gathewring dust in a Husky bin for KTM dealers, and vice versa back at the warehouse.
- Order export. If part number looks like it is a piston kit, stick a space into right spot to make the order import happy.
- Honda integration. Some really cool Honda integration stuff is included in this release. Will include a separate post on what it can do and how to set it up. Specific changes in this release:
- Remove 'experimental' status on key entry points
- add/modify franchise. Add a new tab to permit configuration of integration settings