- Fiche
- Got Ducati import importing again
- Tweaks to Beta import to also emit a price file and process superceded parts better
- Fitment. Option to view diagram a part fits
- Receive Orders - C9 saves orders on the fly. If you accidently exit or c9 is killed and you come back in you have the option to reload and continue from where you left off. The reload isn't perfect, but it will be close enough to save alot of time and effort
- Tweaks and fixes
- A couple of dealers are reporting issues with graphics drawing in c9 flipping out after an intermittent period of usage. I think it might be related to an old java 6 hack to fix a bug with screens going to sleep killing memory in java : which I fixed years ago (Aug 2010). The hack might be interfering with later versions of java that don't have this bug. Tweaked c9 so the hack is only applied if java version is 6.
- Modify job. Warn user if they are about to exit the job card with unsaved changes. Currently will just bail without asking you if you want to save changes.
- SMS/Email. Only send sms/email if sms/email date exactly matches current date. Previously would send if date was today or in the future. Could result if lots of old undelivered email/sms being sent if system clock on computer is wound back to a date in the distant past.
- Email tweaks
- Web order email. Include details of dealership at bottom 'footer' of email. In web order email config, provide option to allow templates to be reset to defaults
- Email sent via dealers own mail server : email content was not being reformatted to keep preserve style changes in a way that gmail and a couple of other mail clients like. (Email routed via c9 was working this way)