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Release 4.646 September 20, 2016 barney
  • Code-128 Barcode support
    • Allow Code-128 barcodes to be printed on labels. To enable just change barcode font to Code 128 in configure/calibrate label. (See screenshot below). Generally want font size to be around 24. Depending on how good your printer/scanners are you might be able to get away with smaller font size than this.  Code-128 are generally alot more compact than 3of9 barcodes so will print on smaller label sizes. Tall barcode config option is probably no longer needed either as barcodes are by default are pretty decent here.
    • New setup option under Printers to preferentially use Code 128 barcodes. Affects giftcards, job cards, receive order printouts,  parts reserve printouts and stock take sheets
  • Victoria Paperwork
    • Added new version of dealer authority to register
    • Added a Form 5 template
  • Tweaks and fixes
    • Spares - > View change part. Provide screen calculators for daily and stock buy prices, so operator can now key in either as % discount or as final $ figure.
    • Workshop -> modify job.  If deposit > value of job, show -ve deposit owing and show works 'Deposit to Refund'.
    •  Miner
      • allow specification of 's' in sort term to ignore whitespace variations when sorting miner results. i.e. [1s]
      • allow sort terms like this [1w].  w means fuzzy word match, useful for sorting things like unit models, sorting based on runs of model codes and sizes. So CBR-500 first, then CBR-1000-RR
    • NPE Bugfix with beta fiche import