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Release 4.649 November 6, 2016 barney
  • Spares
    • Suzuki EPC import. Cope with importing  some old models where there is no yearcode, i.e. RM250X - 1999 and RM250X - 1981
    • Edit Franchise : Honda APIKey/Honda dealercode changes were not being saved in this screen (was working in order setup screen so possible to workaround)
    • Import OPEA price file : new optional to optionally import packqty data from OPEA file. Useful for new Kawasaki price files.  Still need to tell c9 what to do with this data (edit franchise : pack order tab)
    • Export KTM/Husky order file.  Option to split order file into multiple files because their website cannot cope with order files with more than 200 line items or so.  Split size is configurable, defaults to 200.
    • Place some constraints on activity records on spares that can be deleted (original constraints relaxed in July 2015, reintroducing some of these constraints to prevent incorrect deletion of deposits added on account. sales activity can still be deleted/undeleted).
  • Units
    • paperwork.  Obscure bug with printing paperwork would show incorrect figures in situations where presales jobs are modified after the unit sale was processed, incorrectly picking up new line items from presales workshop jobs which were not actually included in the unit tax invoice.
    • paperwork. Included following wording with a checkbox on all CoS cover letters. "I, the purchaser confirm I have received a copy of the terms and conditions of this contract (Purchaser to tick)"
  • Miner tweaks and fixes
    • bugfix with report tallies crashing sometims (due to improperly rewritten clarion picture defs)
    • improve count tally so it is possible to show  a count for numeric/date & time fields.
    • Bugfix with rendering min and max dates aggregates
    • Report screen not rendering properly and running slowly under some circumstances when trying to change aggregate function, now fixed
  •  Misc
    • Profit summary : rebate components incorrectly calculated. Now fixed.
    • Visual tweaks to C9 DMS and help about web buttons so it is visually obvious you can click on these
    • C9's internal CSV decoder (used for importing generic) was handling backslash as an escape char. Though some CSV files do this, generally it isn't the standard. Realigned with standard. System now imports Kawasaki price file accurately with this change (previously would mess up a couple of parts).
    • New startup option on command line, allows you to fine tune first screen that opens when you login to c9, so you can have differeent icons on your computer opening different parts of c9.  This is done using command line setting start=<location>.  Location is based on top + left menu bar option (doesn't work with old school menu system). For example spares/orders/advanced/browseactive opens the Browse Active option under orders / advanced in spares section of c9.  Name is exactly as you see it in c9. Some examples:

      startup.exe start=spares/orderbook
      startup.exe start=spares/orders/advanced/browseactive
      startup.exe start=workshop/scheduler
      startup.exe start=contacts/reports/agedtrialbalance