Includes database changes. Need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Spares
- Stocktake adjust screen. Show variance, old and new QoH to help facilitate variance based stocktaking/verification.
- Receive stock, new option to distinguish between receiving goods with and without a tax invoice. See screenshot below.
- Subsequent invoice can be added against the supplier at a later date (via add payment)
- Received goods in general ledger are balanced against new liability code : "Goods yet to be invoiced" (2-6200)
- New option in add/edit franchise allows you to default a franchise to receive only
- Receive stock bugfix. Import previous incomplete receive was not refreshing total pricing. Now fixed
- View Invoice/Quote : provide a convenience button to access new point of sale session based on selected quote/invoice.
- Workshop
- Record sublet as invoiced from within edit sublet item : allow recording of invoice ref #.
- Browse purchase orders : show ref #
- Browse purchase orders : include filter option that filters on job card no, ref, description etc.
- Units
- Print paperwork. Dodgy data such as things copy pasted into c9 can cause print paperwork to fail with an error. Now fixed.
- Business
- Remittance details. Ability to print different remittance details on different invoice types. e.g. different bank details for bike sales compared to spares/workshop invoices.
- Data Miner
- Allow link invoiced and ordered items to stock items
- Allow link invoiced items to invoice
- Allow query invoiced items as primary query item
- Bugfix, many part number based joins in miner broken. Now fixed
- invocice item query : allow filter based on date