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Honda service reporting requirements cover a number of concerns which require running jobs through c9 in a way so that report outputs are accurate and meaningful. Key areas of importance

  • Honda vs non honda jobs
  • job types.
  • Genuine parts and oils (hardest bit to get right)

Honda vs non Honda Jobs

For a job to picked up as a honda job, it needs to have a unit assigned to it and the make associated with the unit is "Honda".  Fairly straightforward.  If job doesn't have a unit, it won't be reported. Further, Honda prefer complete VINS on unit so make sure the full VIN number is in the framenumber field on  the unit


Job types

Honda report requires classification into one of 3 types. Internal, Warranty and Customer. Tagging in c9 is straightforward but be mindful of these requirements.

  • A warranty job is any job where 'Warranty Repair' flag is set.
  • Otherwise if job has a customer it is a customer.
  • Otherwise it is internal (irrespective of pre-delivery status of the job)


Genuine Parts and Oils

Parts on a workshop job need to be spare parts, not workshop parts, and need to be flagged against a franchise with the name 'Honda'. Otherwise they will be ignored for Honda Service reporting purposes.

Oils are any honda part that starts with the following part code:

  • L1002-HP4
  • L1002-GN4
  • L1002-GN4
  • L1002-FCW
  • L1002-CHB


Normally many of these codes represents drum products and you pretty much never sell a drum to a single job,  so many operators of c9 prefer to use workshop parts for oils.  Such approaches will not work for honda service reporting.

C9 allows you to configure parts like a drum of oil to have a unit of measure which allows you to sell the oil to the job on a per litre basis. Details on setting up unit of measure here.

For example a 205 litre drum of 10w30 GN4 is setup in c9 like this:


Then it can be sold onto workshop job on a per litre basis and honda service reports will pick it up.
