Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out of c9 during upgrade.
- Spares
- Tweak database to forcefully disallow franchise names with same name. i.e. disallow two Honda's , and/or disallow 'HONDA' and 'Honda' as it messes up things in c9 having this.
- Point of sale bugfix: did not allow line discount $ of 1000 or higher. Now fixed.
- BRP parts availability query. Didn't work, never worked. Now works. You need to provide dealer ID + user + pass on F12 Magician.
- Export Order: added support for Harley PAM export format
- Receive Spares
- Import KTM/Husky Spares invoices. The trainwreck rumbles on. Modified c9 to allow importing any Butmac invoice irrespective of whether or not the invoice balances. If invoice doesn't balance c9 will assume balance is an unstated discount but warns user to accept import results at their own additional risk. Old versions of c9 will treat the warning as an error and will fail fast so you have to upgrade c9 in order to keep importing KTM/Husky spares invoices.
- Remove global discount $/% options
- Allow user to change parts value. On receive c9 offers option to reprice items to match the rekeyed parts value if they do not match. This replaces global discount $/% methodology with something which is hopefully more intuitive.
- Manually change parts value. Previously GST would not recalculate for imported receivables, was fiddly to get it to do this. Now happens right away
- Provide visual clues to what fields are 'locked' and what fields are calculated. Should make it easier to get invoice figures in.
- Workshop
- Modify job. Include unit and customer name in window title description.
- Profit reporting inconsistencies between profit summary and workshop profit. All bugs in workshop profit report. Summary report is fine. Specifically
- Discount component was incorrectly handling GST component
- COGS component under some rare circumstances would overstate COGS (too hard to explain exact behaviour, report logic was just plain wrong)
- COGS component did not include ordered parts still not yet supplied for workshop jobs already invoiced out
- Bugfix: Pickup all by customer. Would flipout with a GL journal error if any jobs in the list (except last job) had a deposit recorded against it, forcing you to have to pickup the jobs manually, one at a time. Now working.
- Units
- Overhauled rebate management. Provide a easy view all rebates screen from which rebates can be managed.
- Allow uncollected rebates to converted into invoices in new rebate management screen. Invoices are tracked against a nominated account contact.
- Provide ability to select a supplier for unit line costs and expenses. So underlying creditors can be tracked.
- Spares sold on unit deal : link customer name to spares for easier searching in contact section
- Purchase unit on account. If contact is a supplier as a bill to be paid instead of as a deposit.
- Various bugs with rolling back a sale and recompleting it in terms of re-recording rebates etc. Now working alot better
- Was deleting on road cost lines instead of retaining them for reuse
- Delete unit sale via business activity sometimes would not delete all connected records. Had to delete them manually. Now sorted
- Linked to sale delete handling like rebate broken. Now fixed. Was supposed to commit journal correction and new journal in separate GL postings but wasn't. Now working
- Link to sale detection broken. fixed. Was treating deleted sales as a valid linking sale.
- Reorganise code so writing sale line items is more efficient. Needed to retain invoiced rebate status if rebate line item doesn't change on rollback/resell
- Other
- Miner report. Rerunning miner report with different settings created a mangled report of old and new settings printed over each other. Now fixed.
- Web content. Tweaked webcontent editor to convert chars to simplified latin. i.e. convert Öhlins to Ohlins. New webserver we are moving to soon can handle extended chars better so we might open this back up in the near future.
- General Ledger. Inventory updating could flip out constantly flipping back and forth with a +0.01/-0.01 tweak due to rounding errors. Typically caused by things like UOM items on workshop jobs in progress. Not a functional issue, but could cause database to fill up with pointless journal postings.