Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Multiple Workshop bugfixes with fixed/capped pricing listed below. Now fixed.
- Price setting broken when invoice contains other items with line discounts on them.
- Also broken for GST exempt sales
- Also broken when trying to set a price that doesn't round to default rounding boundary. Ignore invoice rounding for fixed/capped jobs
- Spare parts description search
- Generally should run alot faster. Especially for big searches across all price files. i.e. searching for 'kit' or 'screw' across a million or so parts.
- Allow description to do partial wildcard matches. i.e. 'sunglass' will match 'sunglasses' but 'sun*' will match anything that starts with 'sun', including 'sunset', 'sun' and 'sunglass'.
- Contacts search
- Also optimised to run faster. Especially when there are multiple search terms.
- System level changes
- Added new switch to disable monitors such as sms reply checking. (For software dev only).