Includes Database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade.
- Miner customer query : include ability to filter based on how far away customer is from the shop. i.e. get all customers within 12km of the shop. Works based on postcodes so result is actually an approximation based on 'as-the-crow-flies' distance from customer postcode to dealership postcode.
- Monza Part Enquiry: system was not showing login failed if login creds were incorrect. Now fixed.
- Freight integration : some initial work on integration into a major freight logistics provider. More details once project is finished.
- Workshop Invoices : remove start date off invoice, it has no business being there
- Spares profit reporting
- Bugfix with unit of measure items here. Was incorrectly downsizing $ params by unit of measure magnitude minimising $ figures for these items
- workshop/unit filtering is for historical reasons and should no longer be used. Disabled by default, organised to make it less obvious and changed text to clarify this
- Credit note only option: filter out returns from workshop/units : since workshop/unit is just departmental movement.
- Low level systems - fixed some long standing errors generated deep in the guts of c9. These errors do not actually damage c9, just make out diagnostic logs messy to read. But I've been wondering if these behaviours are indirectly contributing to graphics video card corruption issues reported and partially fixed a few months ago. So fixing cause of these errors on off chance they are indeed impactful.