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Australia's best motorcycle shop retail software
- Kawasaki parts inquiry & Fiche Import: now working again. Kawasaki have rolled in some tech on their website that makes these things unreliable so uncertain about our capacity to keep this thing working.
- More tweaks to c9 monthly invoice generation.
- Email sending tweaks.
- Email sending code rewritten to more elegantly/reliably cope with slow SMTP servers. Some possibly bad software race conditions if SMTP spooling took longer than 3 seconds
- bail on email sending if spooling takes longer than 60 seconds. Previously system would wait indefinitely on a non responsive mail server, causing messenger to lock up.
- Added support for SSL/TLS to compliment existing STARTTLS (previously called TLS in c9).
- Added ability to manually create general ledger postings
- View finished job bugfix. Displayed discount $ would keep increasing every time you relook at a job. Would reset back to sane figures after opening a new c9. Now fixed.
- Export order electronically. If the order export fails, do not move order into 'sent' status. Previously would do this. Applicable for Honda/Whites & other C9 Dealer export targets.
- Workshop staff report : reruns of the report show report total keeps increasing up and up under some circumstances. Was not resetting total count on reruns. Now fixed.
- Parts Order - Customer Order Pickup
- Get rid of 'auto invoice at customer discount' setting. Redundant and has been for years as c9 memorizes discount setup on a per invoice basis when the order was originally setup
- If original ordcr was an invoiced order but customer has since been changed to cash customer, force the subsequent pickup to be a receipt sales.
- Payroll
- Integrated payrun finalisation into activity and the GL