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Australia's best motorcycle shop retail software
- Clock on/clock off screen would not draw correctly when using c9 via remote access client. Now fixed
- Point of sale : alternate order source behaviour
- Alternate order would default order source for parts added to invoice to be same as last part if part source was ever changed during the process of constructing the invoice. Some tweaks to this logic in this version to hopefully better track operator intention:
- Reset behaviour if all parts deleted off screen
- Only enable this behaviour if Edit Order screen actually alters the selected order source. Merely clicking OK does not lock behaviour
- Parts added take on last part order source for same franchise. i.e. if you flip a MCS part to be ordered from another dealer, a further added Suzuki part will not inherit behaviour from this MCS part, instead that part will inherit behaviour of last suzuki part (if any).
- Payroll tweaks
- PAYG calculation was not withholding PAYG on tool allowance. Now fixed
- Employer Super contributions, show % as a rate figure on payslip
- Leave accrual, always round up instead of rounding to nearest.
- Super contribution. Do not calculate super on tool allowance.
- Print pay slips, print slips in order of staff code
- Pay run screen: add scroll bars
- Tweaked bracket creep amortisation logic. Payroll system contains a mechanism where based on predicted income it may pay additional HELP and MLS tax to try and offset significant bracket creep impacts that can occur with these tax systems. The first step on HELP is 4% so stepping into this bracket say because of a pay rise awarded late in the financial year can cause employee to be out of pocket by a significant amount, upto $2200, with their tax return. C9 tries to predict and smooth out this sort of damage across remaining pay runs with additional withholding. The system needs to be able to make a prediction on past unknown income for starting employees or employees that quit and return within the same period by assuming past pay that is known about is representative of past unknown pay. Prior algorithms for doing this were faulty (e.g. changing the pay cycle rate from weekly to monthly would break the prior algorithm). Includes a new improved algorithm for predicting this that copes with such concerns. Extrapolates based on first pay and current paycycle type, and also extrapolates based on missing pay cycle days.
- Bracket Creep amortisation for MLS and HELP. Include option on staff to disable this feature. In staff payroll settings are new radio buttons "Auto (no additional)" which auto computes MLS & HELP but does not apply any additional amortization to try smooth out bracket creep impacts
- Other tweaks
- Browse Invoiced units : reprint invoice button was hidden under another button. Now fixed
- print estimate. Print line items in same order as they appear/ are managed on estimate (previously would roughly print in order they were originally added to the estimate, printing labour items first without any regard for any subsequent reordering on estimate edit screen)
- VicRoads Forms : added form for online rego transfer
- Image gallery text filtering not working. Now fixed
- SMTP routed email : removed client side setting of message ID. Testing a theory maybe a small minority of SMTP servers are making things difficult by recognising the Msg ID as being generated by javamail.