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Australia's best motorcycle shop retail software
- Payroll
- Additional MLS / HELP withholding.
- Include predicted rate that was used as part of computing additional withholding
- Do not include severance pay in tax prediction computation for terminating payslip as this can dramatically artificially inflate estimate of taxable income
- Tool allowance not being pro-ratad. Now fixed
- Staff termination : would still generate empty payslips after the fact. Now doesn't generate anything at all
- Bugfix with added items on prior payruns could cause DB errors on subsequent payruns. Now fixed.
- Bug fix with moving leave types and pay runs around. Following scenario was previously possible but now fixed
- 1) Add a leave type to a payrun. 2) View payrun. 3) Move leave type date forward so it is outside of payrun. 4) Finalise payrun
- The leave type would not apply to the finalised run but it would also be locked so it could not apply for future runs.
- Multiple simultaneous paycycles
- not working. Now fixed. e.g. paying techs weekly but counter staff monthly. (Probably no one does this but c9, by design is capable of doing it)
- When staff member changes paycycles make sure computed payrun factors in any overrun
- When staff member changes paycycles make sure unlinked backdated leave adjustments are correctly linked
- backdated leave adjustments
- Bugfix: Was not subtracting previously paid wages corrresponding to leave time correctly
- Add onto payslip as a separate line for overpaid wages linked to backdated leave so it is more obvious on slip what is happening
- Bugfix: System is incorrectly accruing leave for backdated leave days. Pro-rata computation + backdate processing was broken
- Bugfix: Backdated leave without pay not impacting pro-rata computation for accrued leave.
- Tweaks & bugfixes
- Husky/KTM fiche import: was not working for one particular user login. Should now be okay.
- Bugfix with electronic import for spares receive. Could mess up qty to receive in some circumstances. Specifically receiving into a screen where part in question isn't on the screen already but part is known to be on order. The part will be added into the list with the quantity known on order PLUS the qty from electronic source. This is incorrect, needs to be qty on electronic source only without regard for what is currently on the orderbook. In real usage this scenario rarely happens since generally operator will setup receive screen such that part is on screen already and electronic import is merely tweaking parts already listed.
- Staff report : provide tally/summary of clock reasons at bottom of report
- Workshop completion / progress & booked reports :
- layout tweaks & use the paper real estate better. Alot of wasted space on the printed report
- Show total as goal total for inprogress jobs that use capped /fixed pricing
- include a total figure tally at bottom of the report
- Workshop promise report
- include a tally
- Show total as goal total for inprogress jobs that use capped /fixed pricing