- Bugfix with version 4.675. Workshop timesheeting auto log billable labour merge all option broken : was behaving same as 'never merge'. Now fixed.
Unit purchase : provide a much simpler framework to manage encumbrances inherited from customer. You can now add liabilities as cost to be paid by customer as opposed to prior fixed default as being a cost absorbed by the dealership. Example screen shot.
The amount paid by customer is allowed to exceed the 'value' of the unit, permitting situation where customer pays dealership a net figure to take the unit off their hands.
Resulting recipient tax invoice:
And general Ledger Posting:
code | name | DR | CR --------+-------------------------------+---------+--------- 1-1001 | Instrument #1 | 600.00 | 2-6300 | Unit Encumbrance | | 5000.00 1-5100 | Units in stock | 4000.00 | 1-3105 | Input credits on ABN purchase | 400.00 |
Resulting ledger posting is fairly straight forward. Encumbered liability is treated similarly to on road costs. There are no GST input credits to be claimed on the liability since assumption is that customer really paid off the encumbrance 'below the line'. GST input credits are being claimed on the valuation of the purchased unit. (In above example customer provided ABN so input credits are claimable immediately).