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Australia's best motorcycle shop retail software
- Tweaks and fixes
- Bugfix: Debtor/Creditor balance figures in c9 would max out at 99,999. Purely screen/report print error. Data was fine and internally larger figures were being maintained and tracked correctly. Obvious with large creditors. Happens in a couple of places in c9. e.g. aged trial balance report
- Rebates on unit deals
- C9 maintains complex logic with rebates between units and deals. Idea is a deal contains rebate that may eventually apply on the underlying unit but only if the deal goes through. So rebate modifications on a deal do not automatically apply until deal is finalised and modifications merge in with existing deals on the underlying unit. Some tweaks to this logic because it is non obvious and generates unexpected results at times
- Never overwrite or allow operator to modify a rebate on unit/deal in progress which has been flagged as collected
- Visually indicate if rebate on screen in deal is inherited from underlying unit. (with a + before description)
- Visually indicate if rebate on screen in deal overrides/modifies a rebate on unit (with a [*] before description)
- On adding a unit initially to a deal, show rebates. Previously would filter rebates which would then reappear upon saving and then modifying the unit on the deal. Behaviour is now fixed and more consistent
- Bugfix with modifying an inherited rebate on deal. Screen would hide options such as after invoice cost etc. Now fixed.
- Allow reprint/reexport of partially received orders from orderbook.
- Stocked spares : allow larger notes to be stored. Currently limited to 300 chars.
- Print barcode, move delete all to a different position on screen to make it less likely to be fat fingered
- Refund/exchange. Allow refund/exchange onto a workshop job and/or department
- bugfix. Recent workshop quote feature add damaged ability to put -ve parts on workshop jobs. Now working again
- Due date computation on on unit line items from deal -> invoice.
- Suzuki price file import. Tweak to cope with changes to their latest file : manually priced items track RRP in latest file, previously was List price
- Modify website structure: previously system would remove all orphaned records if a node is deleted. Normally this would be okay, but it can result in some brutally difficult accidental deletes to recover from, so removed this behaviour
- Cash Till changes to make things smoother/simpler
- Allow saving of cash till if c9 thinks there is a gap in the count, i.e. a day that has been skipped. Just nag the user about it
- Add new counting mode : takings only.
- Memorise last counting mode used on the terminal and default to that for a new count
- Default Other HELD Over to balance of non cash instruments. Provide an obvious color-visual indicator that this is happening
- Bugfix : auto settle option not settling any held over float