Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Supplier warranties
- Allow recording of creditor contact on finalisation. Adds a supplier credit onto creditor record
- New option in setup : force selection of creditor contact
- Biz Activity : recorded contact is supplier, not the customer of original job
- Biz Activity : deleting warranty record would flip job back into progress state. Modified to not do this
- Creditor / Debitor linked txns
- Bugfix: If select 3 or more txns to pay at once. If you go back into the screen to select the txns it would forget most of the selected list. Now fixed. (Previously If you completed, add txn operation system would correctly link to the 3 or more txns you selected okay. The bug itself is linked to when you goto review/modify the list of txns).
- For bill payment, preferentially link to transactions in due date order. Recording oldest to newest as paid
- Select transactions to pay : show a running tally of unallocated value of selected txns
- Provide ability for user to alter list of linked txns after the fact.
- Other changes
- Customer code auto generator. Now includes a blacklist of swear/offensive terms to avoid. When it runs into them, will revert to first 4 letters of their last name only. i.e. "TED CUNNINGHAM" generates a custcode of "CUNN" instead of the more colourful default
- Kwak import. Looks like some models on dealer site do no work and contain no diagrams. C9 was failing on importing these. Now skips over them
- BRP import. Failing with 2018 side by side model due to how they've setup the images for these on the BRP site. Now fixed to import these.
- Fiche data cleanup : optimise cleanup of extraneous images
- Spares profit report. Date selector : use same selector widget that appears on reports like workshop profit report etc.
- Standard date selector widget: preset step period (day/week/month/quarter) based on initial date values. Previously always started on 'day'
- Spare part returns : allow deletion of credit note on supplier.
- Website, text + image widget. Tweak to not force image to be 160x120 : to allow James do some interesting web design things with this widget
- Add labour. Make relationship between tweaking time and tweaking price more explicit and visually obvious with a lock/link control.
- Unit QBE tweakage
Tweaks to select part description filtering:
Find part screen in c9 allows you to search parts based on description. The searching is combined english text search and search for letter + number combos. e.g. search for 'force' will match 'forcing', 'forces' etc and various english variants. While a search for "190 50" will return things like "190/50-17 pilot road 2", "190/50ZR17 BT020" etc.
Some tweaks to this. Some augmentation of letter + number combos. You can put wildcard '*' in to match letter or number combos that start with it. The wild card applies to the letter/number combo before it. e.g.
- GTR 14* will match things like "BAGS INTERIOR PAN 1400GTR" or "GTR14 07"
- GT* 14 will match "WEB GTX BOOT 14 41". "GTZ14 -S powervolt MF"
- GT* 14* will match all of above and more
There is now a setting in Setup under spares to make wildcard '*' implicit on all description searches. So it will apply for everything without the need to key in the '*' character.
With great power comes a need for a great database server. Most queries should be fine on typical servers we setup, but searching for "1*" on all franchises for non stocked parts is going take a solid 15 seconds + some so on an old crappy database server. If this is the sort of thing you want to regularly do your database server needs alot of RAM (8gb/16g minimum) and/or fast harddisks (i.e. SSD's or really good SATA drives).