Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
This version includes bank & cash reconciliation facilities. Detailed documentation on these functionalities to be provided separately
Other changes. Misc fixes/bugs etc
- Cash till report. Tweaks to non cash banked figures would flip out cash till tally, which would fix by making another change somewhere, such as toggling count mode. Now fixed.
- Add transaction, select transaction changes
- if user closes screen after making selection changes, pop up a nag asking them if they want to apply their selection changes anyway
- Make select/deselect toggle trigger off enter key
- After successful selection changes : nag user if they want to retain previously entered amount or switch to new tally based on newly selected txns
- New transaction type : Bill + Pay. Records a bill & a payment in a single operation
- Workshop job delete/undelete fixes
- If job was invoiced using deposit amount on customer record (instead of job itself), and then that invoice is rolled back, the deposit on customer is returned to customer, but the recorded deposit on the job was not altered, resulting in inconsistent valuation of deposits. Now fixed.
- Monza Magician query : was returning incorrect available qtys for some parts, related to where parts are warehoused. Now fixed.
- Fixed a couple of menu typos
- System reports. Include filter option: makes it easier to figure out when last price file import for a given franchise happened
- Added new trial balance report for creditors : works off due date on bills.
- Filter search logic in contacts, parts etc. Previously a search for RM450 in contacts would match things like RM 450, RMZ 450 etc. You can now force the "RM" part of the query to match "RM" only like this: (RM) 450