Includes database changes you need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Unit spares tweaks
- Under some rare circumstances it is possible for parts to remain on order for a unit on a deal that has since been deleted off the deal. Rare in that normally when you delete a unit on a deal, all orders connected to that unit are automatically cancelled. Resulting receive invoices will list deal ID as 0 and parts will go nowhere. Fixes:
- Do not auto invoice parts for a deal if underlying unit disappears
- Instead keep parts on order in receive status. Accessible via F12 pickup ready for manual intervention
- On printed receive sheet highlight such deals
- Under some rare circumstances it is possible for parts to remain on order for a unit on a deal that has since been deleted off the deal. Rare in that normally when you delete a unit on a deal, all orders connected to that unit are automatically cancelled. Resulting receive invoices will list deal ID as 0 and parts will go nowhere. Fixes:
- Paperwork changes
- Added QLD TMR forms for Transfer & Registration of Marine/PWC
- Paperwork changes. Under some difficult to replicate circumstances some forms would print blank. Bug tracked to graphics library c9 uses to generated filled out results ontop of forms (clipping filter heuristic with SVG renderer broken when matched with PDF overlay drawing.)
- Deposits on unit deals
- certain order of operations on adding a new deal + a power outage can result in a deal on the system with a deposit record, but no actual record of deposit taken in business activity. Now fixed to prevent this.
- Biz activity would allow you to delete deposits and withdrawals on deals. Modified to prevent this from happening
- Units under consignment bugfixes
- consignment with a consignment reference would incorrectly post floorplan related journal entries
- rolling back a sale involving a consigned unit would also rollback the original consignment. Now fixed
- sale of consigned unit would not post a non abn subsequent sale input credit claim. Now fixed
- Bank Reconciliation
- Include unreconciled altered journal records in list of disordered txns. Specifically journals originally posted before reconcile period which were subsequently deleted/undeleted after the beginning of the reconciliation period
- Disordered txns. Show reason for disorder on screen. Current list:
- Delete/Active status doesn't match status when txn was last reconciled
- Txn was flagged is ignored on prior reconciliation
- Delete/Active status altered during/after reconciliation period
- Back dated & unreconciled txn
- Simple workshop job
- Allow selection of rates + fixed labour
- Bugfix :was saving clerk as the tech, not the selected tech
- Payroll
- Modify adjustment. Show unit next to amount, $ or hours depending on adjustment type
- Added support for compulsory super threshold. For existing entitlements it defaults to zero. For newly created entitlements defaults to $450
- Disable payroll business option if login is not enabled for payroll (previously would hide the option)
- Mojo MC fiche import
- Tweaked importer to deal with Mojo API traffic throttle. Not thoroughly tested yet so not entirely confident it will work
- Added mapping for CF-Moto & Kymco
- Workshop Warranty management
- Default new warranty jobs as tax inc : making them supplier warranty jobs by default
- On pickup screen make it obvious whether it is a dealer or supplier warranty in the top status bar