Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade.
This version of c9 ships with an initial fitment mechanism. Allows linking of hard parts , after market items back to specific models. At the moment the fitment stuff only feeds c9 powered websites and is only really useful for KTM/Husky brand at this stage. Though it might also work for Yamaha + Y-SHOP mix. Plan is to extend further for aftermarket mapping down the track.
KTM / Husky stuff:
- Import KTM parts images. Pull down and map fitment data during image download
- Added new fiche importer. KTM -> Husky interchange. Allows a KTM dealer with a website to pull down husky diagrams off another dealers website. And vice versa. Strictly only works for KTM/Husky dealers and only if they are running a website. Everyone else can continue to use remote diagrams
- allow a franchise to be configured with a preferred OEM. So if you are a Husky dealer, you can add KTM pricefile, but configure KTM pricefile to redirect to Husky pricefile where there is overlap. e.g. select a KTM part c9 will automatically flip to Husky part if there is such a thing in point of sale
Other changes:
- Import parts images. Default part description to import as detail only scope
- Modify web images. Default main text to be detail only scope
- Import fiche : added better error trapping and handling. Previously could do odd things like leave database in uncommited state
- Workshop unit selection. Disallow transfer of a unit from/to the dealership if c9 units module is enabled.
- Support tools
- Include a big link under Main menu 'Remote Support' to open up remote support tool
- Included another link to open up our remote support webpage
- receive spares.
- Screen redesign : Make it obvious at top of the screen what is going on. What OEM franchise is being received, who creditor supplier is, and whether or not a bill is being created against that supplier
- Select alternative supplier : jumps straight to creditors. No longer able to select other franchises : functionally didn't make sense to do this so removed and simplified. Also make it clear that supplier is an alternative/overriding supplier.
- Customer alerts
Tip: Husky / KTM Interchange setup:
- Under spares -> Utilities -> Add / Edit Franchise. Pick the secondary franchise. i.e. if you are a KTM dealer your secondary franchise is then Husky. You want to modify Husky
- Click on advanced tab.
- Click on change button under 'Use the following franchise instead for matching part numbers and select KTM franchise. System will now flip from Husky to KTM for common parts