Includes DB changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade.
- Job card bugfix. Was printing 'not set' for rego if rego expiry was not set. Fixed to print 'not set' on expiry, retaining rego info (if any)
- Manage website content tweaks
- Allow for more detailed summary text.
- Allow window to be resized
- point of sale bugfix. Complex scenario where a heap of parts are ordered under customer, with a deposit. Some come in, and those items are assigned to a workshop job instead, with other parts remaining possibly intended to be sold direct to customer. C9 will assign the entirety of the deposit to workshop job, not just the bit that would be normally allocated for a partial receive sale potentially assigning more deposit then the job will be worth, including considerations for labour. Tweaked logic to allow partial assignment only. Tweak F10 complete screen so amount of deposit moving from spares to workshop is obvious (read only).
- Cash till. Major rewrite of cash till to revert to older style cash till in terms of ease of use but still retain mechanisms to feed into bank reconciliation. Specifically:
- Complex save/delete mechanics all disappear. There is still a 'save' mechanic, but it is there purely to memorise till count only if you want to pull it up at a later date It serves no other function. (It also posts variations on bank settlement to GL, but this is not impactful on cashtill, strictly bank rec).
- No restrictions on till count periods.
- Skip days ,no worries. (C9 will still default to next day. But you can more easily push forward here now)
- System now relies posted journals to figure out previously posted bank settlements etc.
- System uses bank rec tilling for cash till count. So powerful bank rec tooling is now accessible within cash till to help figure out why things do not add up.
- Got multiple till counting working properly. (Till nos now post to different GL codes)
- Rename GL chart of accounts to reflect action instrument & till names. Instead of Instrument #1, Instrument #2 etc.
- Bank rec changes
- Overhauled classification and computation of discordant transactions. Discordant txns are now:
- Back dated (& live) txns. Created during or after reconciliation period
- live txns that are flagged as held over from prior reconciliation.
- Txns which were either deleted or undeleted after the fact.
- Overhauled computation of effect of discordant txns.
- Backdated transactions will be included in till count as though they happened today.
- Discordant deleted txns now affect the reported balance. idea is if you delete an old workshop job, you need to backdate some sort of record of what happened with the money in order to reconcile. Undeleting also requires action to reconcile.
- DB changes to boost efficiency, both to general ledger and bankrec/cashrec computation. Previously over time the GL and bankrec/cashrec would get progressively slower as more and more records are added to the system. New DB changes should result in fast, consistent performance more or less indefinitely.
- Overhauled classification and computation of discordant transactions. Discordant txns are now: