Requires database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Fiche import fixes
- Step over broken diagrams for KTM/Husky. (e.g. REAR WHEEL for 400 SUPER-COMP WP (EU) 1996 on factory website gives a blank page and causes c9 importer to quit)
- Add SWM as an import option for Mojo
- Contract of Sale changes
- Redesigned contract of sale so it now prints on a4 portrait and may dynamically print over multiple pages for complex sales. Allows for easy inclusion of more information
- Regulatory changes (ALL)
- Include salesperson
- Provide an option to select a nominated registered owner as separate from purchaser
- Regulatory changes (NSW)
- Included new contract terms and conditions : referencing correct NSW legislation.
- New Form 7 - redesigned so it fits on a single page
- Added Form 8
- Added Form 12
- Payroll - Workshop labour costs
- C9 now records labour cost on clocking. It requires clocking to be used within c9 and requires staff members to be minimally configured with either an hourly wage or salary. It will use employment type data if set to better estimate impact of overtime etc if set.
- Labour costs reflected in following areas
- View time : timesheet tab
- Business -> Profit Summary
- Workshop -> Reports -> Staff Report
- Workshop -> Reports -> Profit/Activity
- New workshop report : proficiency report. Provides per staff report on productivity & efficiency metrics.
- Workshop -> Utilities -> Recompute TS. Recompute labour costs on time sheet records. So you can quickly get some 'historical' data working in terms of COGS on labour to reflect in above mentioned reports. Only useful for dealers that are diligently using timesheeting
- Business -> Profit summary . Show payroll costs accrued broken down based on principal area where staff work.
- Misc
- Modify staff : allow linking staff to 'spares' or 'sales' departments to affect profit summary report
- Workshop Wait reasons. Now track whether or not the wait reason is paid time. i.e. 'Idle' is paid but 'lunch break' isn't. Reflects in profit/summary report
- Bulk accounts processing and ABA File generation
- Generate ABA files for creditors (bill payment) and bulk generate the bill pay operation
- Generate ABA files for debtors (direct deposit). To be used by c9 for DD billing, but dealers can use it themselves too if they want.
- Generate ABA files for payroll payruns
- Misc Tweaks
- Units of measure fixes
- if count of unit exceeds 1000 do not work correctly in point of sale. C9 misreports QoH as 0.
- Initial computation of count for length based UOMs broken. now fixed (was applying uom adjustment twice resulting in completely wrong results)
- Select payment method : option to select bank to record bank payment directly. No longer any need to define one of 8 instrument slots as a bank
- Add Generic Txn broken : working again
- AusPOST tweaks
- Modify UI flow on creating a new shipping record to minimise keystrokes.
- Allow setup options to allow setting of default copy freight and create invoice options.
- Allow configuration of page offsets to help align label prints on AusPOST provided label stock
- Limit item description lengths to 40 chars for international freight.
- Webcontent text+logo. Increase size of hyperlink field
- Modify estimate : Only allow one terminal at a time edit an estimate
- Print estimate : forcefully recompute estimate tallies before printing incase edits from another terminal somehow slip in and mess up tallies on the printed edit.
- Modify deal. Would render deposit as #### at top of screen for deposits of 10k or more. All computations were fine, just the display on screen was incorrect. Fixed
- Browse received orders. On view order show created/sent dates on individual items
- Add transaction. On selecting txns to offset only forcefully change txn type to Payment if selected txn type is not consistent with selected txns. i.e. if you select Supplier Credit and pick txns to offset do not change txn type to payment as credit and payment are functionally consistent in terms of being able to be linked to bill txns.
- Add transaction
- allow selection of suppliers as well as customers.
- Bill+Pay : post txns in separate GL postings so one can be deleted without deleting the other.
- Unit floorplan report : show floorplan owing (tr value less curtailments)
- New workshop job : new setup option to allow you to preconfigure a default deposit.
- Unit purchase tweaks
- Purchase only on account will now receive the purchase as a 'payment' against debtor balance
- For purchase as deposit, select cash, in select payment method is a new option for 'Customer Deposit'
- Units of measure fixes