Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- New feature Sales leads. Quickly record and manage interest. Capture minimal customer details and manage lead with followups etc
- Generic Order Export changes
- Redesigned so it is more flexible. Advanced tab can be used to describe pretty much generic CSV file format
- Allow configuration of separator. So can be used to emit ';' as separate instead of ','
- Escape control. Only escape if necessary (new default), always escape (old behaviour), never escape
- A separate post will be provided that explains the advanced options in more detail
- Generic Order Export is now able to replicate behaviours of following export methods with correct advanced settings making them mostly redundant
- Softway
- Husqvarna P/E
- Butmac (alot of brain damage the butmac specific export handles, so best to continue to use butmac specific one. i.e. coping with spaces in piston kit part numbers)
- Mojo (Sortof : mojo expects xlsx, not csv tho)
- Tweaks
- F12 pickup reserve / layby. Default to cash sale for account customers who have prefer cash set.
- Unit sale invoice : print unit colour if set. Requested by some finance companies
- Fixed Minor screen layout issues on modify deal and update contact
- Setup : generate chart of account descriptions to pickup changes in names of payment instruments and reflect them into GL Chart
- Restrict usage of bank and voucher in modify activity. Disallow modifying a record which was voucher or bank based. Provide some obvious warnings about risks of modifying activity records
- View transactions: display amount in two columns : a DR and a CR column to visually separate inputs/outputs
- Payrun finalize tweaks
- Setup option to configure what money is recorded as removed from bank on payrun. Defaults to NET pay. Setup options to allow for NET+Withholding or net+withholding+super (default prior to this version)
- On payrun finalize ask operator if they want to print/email all slips
- Low level tweak to prepare for further changes to add support for Java 9. Java 9 not yet supported. This change is to try and minimize crappy anti-virus products (mainly Avast) from killing c9 installs when actual java 9 changes come in the next version or 2. Details : on upgrading only rewrite files if they have actually physically changed. Plan for java9 upgrade is to push a new startup.jar, but we don't want c9 to rewrite startup.exe with a duplicate because Avast will probably crack it again.