Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Cash till / Bank rec bug fix. When reconciling a period (or doing a cash till count), txns in that period which were created and deleted in that period would not flag as reconciled and instead would flow over into next period requiring management as discordant operations. Now fixed to record reconciliation of the resulting delete operation
- Unit sales
- When deleting/rolling back unit sales c9 would physically delete data out of the database. This version now retains information for archival/reporting purposes
- New unit reports. Sales registry : serves as a dealings book. Showing unit movements. Reports on actual sales & deal/quote records
- Debtor/Creditor accounts. Compute GST on payments based on invoices/bills the payments offset instead of GST rate. GST on payments is not functional in terms of BAS reporting, but can be useful to look at when eyeballing payment records on screen for a debtor/creditor.
- Bugfixes
- Print statement with individual invoices. Spares invoices on a statement would show screwy invtotals, but would work fine when printed individually. Caused by changes to invoice printing a couple of weeks ago. Now working again
- Trying to perform a job pickup on a system whose subscription has expired would result in a system error. Now fixed.