Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
This version of c9 includes further consolidation on management of unit orders targeting power equipment, especially for suppliers like Stihl that reference gear with part numbers and receive invoices mix gear and spare parts. Key change is focused on managing ordering of gear for specific customers. Specific changes:
- View unit and modify unit : show linking to a part number for a given unit
- Spares order receive. For parts on order for customer which are linked to a unit, receive the unit into stock ready for selling
- F12 customer order pickup. For parts on order linked to a unit, trigger+prepopulate unit sale process
Process for managing this will typically be as follows.
- Manage orders for gear as 'part numbers' via spares point of sale as per normal.
- When you receive spares c9 will receive actual gear into stock as units on the floor for both customer orders + stock for items which represent units.
- Customer orders will remain open and must be processed via F12 customer pickup
- On f12 customer pickup, c9 will flip to a pre-populated unit sale screen ready to finalise the supply
At this stage the process is not integrated into deals and must be managed via spares only for now.
Other Tweaks and fixes
- Review parts to be stock ordered.
- Was not coping with franchises configured to use a supplier and wasn't detecting such items on order. Nor was it factoring in parts on stock order from alternative suppliers. Now fixed
- New option to allow operator to quickly drop a part onto an active order for stocking
- View/Change part. Option to quickly order part for stocking
- Suzuki EPC import. Was failing on some models which contained entries without images. i.e. Accessories entries on a DL1000A 2014. Now fixed
- Payment instruments.
- First instrument must be cash / till based. Make this requirement obvious in screen design of c9.
- Add ability to select a default instrument. So if 90% of txns are EFTPOS you can configure c9 to default select EFT if preferred
- Manual backup :was whinging about sequence oldunithist_seq not being backed up. Sequence is non functional and doesn't need to be backed up. Tweaked c9 so it doesn't whinge about it.
- General Ledger : GL Balance for units on floor was not including uints received under goods only scheme. Now fixed