This version contains a number of bug fixes all related to unit sales / deals etc. A combination of very old bugs that have been in system for a while but unnoticed plus a couple of issues relating to recent changes to c9 to allow reporting/tracking of deleted unit sales.
- Rollback sale into a deal. For a sale that previously wasn't a deal rollback logic was quite broken for tradeins or purchases. Should now be working alot better
- Rollback a sale / deal then resale the deal. Under deals section the finished deals screen would show the first deleted invoice number instead of subsequent active invoice. Now fixed
- Rollback a sale. If you keyed in an invoice number of a sale previously rolled back c9 would appear to accept the # but not show any units. now fixed with a warning nag : selected invoice has already been rolled back.
- Under some difficult to replicate circumstances, rollback of a sale involving a tradein would not go ahead reporting invalid sale status. Now fixed
- Tweaked rollback sale screen a bit. rollback tradein has been forcefully implemented for several years since c9 introduced a GL. The screen provided an option to rollback tradein Yes/No but it had not functional effect since rollback on the GL forced both to rollback anyway. So removed option from screen. Also tidied screen a bit. e.g. make unit list a bit bigger.