Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
Tweaks and fixes
- Point of sale detect part already on order / received. on select order screen that pop make the alert message have an OK+Abort option and default it to abort, so users that smash through the screens hitting enter cannot accidentally select an unconnected order. This design change forces people to slow down when processing real orders to pickup, though we expect overall this change will minimise human error input
- New supplier payment type in record payment. Collect money to pay bill. If you deal with suppliers on behalf of customers but simply hand the tax invoice to customer and charge them as is, i.e. supplier tax invoice has customers name on it. Then you are not contributing to the taxable supply of these services. So there is no need for you to necessarily raise tax invoices, collect GST or claim input credits being in the middle of things. New option allows you to collect money from customer to pay a supplier, and then you use 'pay a bill' when you actually pay the supplier. Collect Money + Pay a Bill pair do not incur and GST to track.
- Unit Sales Lead tweaks
- New tab to allow showing of leads sorted by initial creation date or by last updated date
- Option to filter by string. Works similar to customer filter
- Show result total on screen
- Magician fixes
- Some tweaks to Suzuki availability check. Stricter decoding of result, make sure part no#s line up. Also return no part instead of blank if there is no part match.
- Kawasaki availability check. Working again. Kwak made some low level changes to their dealer portal that broke magician.
- Other
- Customer transfer. Select by customer was broken. Now working
System level changes: Some initial exploratory work on adding support for PostgreSQL 10 databases.
Changing DB integration libraries from 8.4 to 10(deferred)
Switch to a more precise db charset encoding. (windows default charset for Oz on migrating from 10 and LATIN1 for all new DBs)(deferred)
- Bugfix when upgrading really old versions of c9 to current. Will not upgrade anything prior to v4.402. Now fixed.