Includes DB changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- New features + Tweaks
- Business - new report Business Activity Statement. Simplified view of information needed for BAS. Also Records payment of BAS.
- Tweak setup to allow longer bikesales integration usernames
- Workshop price tweaks. Include option to discount/price parts to cost plus (plus being 17% by default. Same as F7 option in spares).
- Account txn/receipt print. Show txns related to printed txn. i.e. for a payment show all the invoices the payment covers
- Added support for Import WP Suspension diagrams + parts kits & images
- System level changes & fixes
- recent AusPOST integration changes made c9 more brittle. If AusPOST API call fails and AusPOST sends no data back c9 will crash. Now more resilient to such errors. An error like this from AusPOST will still cause operation to fail, but c9 should no longer generate a system crash.
- Add new staff. Adding a staff member with a bank account number would failed now fixed. (Workaround involved adding staff without bank account and then modifying to set bank account. Caused by how sensitive details are encrypted in the database).
- Reserve orders. When raising new invoices on reserve forcefully create a new reserve order if existing active reserves are older than 3 months. Previously continuous traffic could keep a reserve order open indefinitely impacting performance. i.e. an order open for 5+ years with 30k parts on it will slow c9 down. Forcefully cycling new orders keeps c9 running quickly