Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Bug fixes
- Cash/Bank reconciliation improvements. Previously would not identify txns skipped in prior reconciliations as discordant and needing reconciliation under some circumstances. (specifically txns added on same day reconciliation after the reconciliation would not register). Now fixed
- Record BAS payment. Was failing when attempting to record a withheld payment. Now fixed.
- Yamaha magician : filter out Auckland data.
- Tweaks
- Dead stock report : default consideration for min=0,max=0 as dead stock to disabled by default. This option as it is trips up more people than the alternative.
- Spares : discount figure was limited to <10k. Now allow values upto 100k.
- Import price file. Do not purge stock file records. Too many things anchor to stock these days it no longer makes sense for c9 to do this, especially website content. Instead from now on any purging will be manual individual or bulk processes.
- Added magician support for GAS Imports. (Note that reported data can be upto a week old)