Includes DB changes you need to log all terminals during upgrade
Book in jobs via a web based tablet.
- Use a phone or a tablet to capture basic details on a job and merge in the results into c9 workshop.
- Captured details appear in create new job in c9 ready to merge into a job. Allows you to merge in details such as change of phone numbers etc after initial service reception. Maybe submit button should only appear in unit screen?
- Transaction allocation / reconciliation. Normally when you add a payment c9 will automatically 'allocate' that payment against a currently unallocated invoice automatically. This version of c9 allows you to configure certain customers to not do this, so you have to explicitly select actual invoices to link in add transaction (txn list), or modify connected txns in view transactions. This function is potentially useful for manual management of difficult accounts.
- Rollback unit. UI tweaks to minimise risk of accidental rollback. Screen redesign. Make ok button non default. Pop a nag before doing the rollback.
- Orderbook. Option to do a full magician query on selected order
- Import invoices from PDF. Some tweaks to better detect / process spaces. Generates improved results for some suppliers, e.g. Sena and Honda SAP. (e.g. with Sena imported descriptions could be bunched up without spaces. With honda deals with issue of line # of part number blending together).
- Low level database guards to protect against potential software defects in c9 writing bad values into the database. Needed to support eventual goal of switching c9 account balances and aging towards open invoice.
- Xero Integration setup. Xero site now requires certificate to be wrapped in a BEGIN/END envelope. Tweaked certificate generator in c9 to include this.
- New Reports
- Contacts -> Reports -> Generic Expenses : print a list of generic expense bills
- Units -> Reports -> Floorplan Txns : print a list of all floorplan curtailments/payments in date range
- Disable accessing old school menus from left hand bar by picking non leaf (expandable) items in the menu bar. (Old school login still works fine)
- Bulk magician check improvements. General improvements but motivated to help with Honda's new stock/daily backorder shipping policy