Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
Further improvements to c9 permanently storing the results of export efforts.
- Will store export failure results and result for failure.
- Will store receipts of failure and success for electronic orders. (Honda API, Whites Power Sports and orders to other dealers)
- For Whites orders, system will flag parts that succeeded or failed. In orderbook parts that failed will show as 'Sent(?)' if not yet sent by some other means.
Export Order screen:
Order book (second item failed to send to WPS)
Other changes
- Tweak paypal capture screen layout so to not clip descriptions of total lines at bottom of the screen
- Export to other c9 dealer regression bugfix. Was not memorizing selected dealer/franchise on subsequent exports. Now fixed.
- Bugfix : banks were incorrectly appearing in list of suppliers. Now fixed.
- Tweaking filtering in business activity for creditor txns under cash basis
- Low level bugfix: some timed events would not fire such as alert nags. Now fixed. Some alerts could permanently 'mask' others based on timing. Tweaked timing logic so that every event gets a go.
- Lead tweaks
- Redefine deleted lead to be a 'parked/deleted lead'
- Sort parked/deleted leads based on next alert first just like active leads
- Lead alert nags : nag on either active or parked leads. Any active leads will 'shadow' over parked leads.
- Browse leads. Any parked leads whose alert date is now, deleted/parked tab will highlight green
- View/modify job. color code private notes tab if there are any private notes.
- Min Qty ordering onto stock order : was incorrectly checking daily order qty on order for factoring in existing orders. Now fixed
- Added a couple of generic GL Codes.
- Waste /Environmental
- Travel / Meals
- Filing Fees
- Merchant Fees
- Subscriptions
- Staff Amenities
- Other GL changes
- So Change in GL on screen and printout. (DR less CR)
- In view journal entries : show customer/supplier code + staff code
- BAS report/submit. Support Cash Basis reporting
- New post login nags : if you java is pre java8 or if postgres DB is version 8.4
- Workshop Job notes. Increased max note size x8. Or about 9 printed pages of text.
- Browse Dealer units tweaks
- Highlight units where end of interest or payout due is in the past or within the next 7 days or if unit is sold
- Show unit sale status.
- Open floorplan tab might incorrectly show units flagged as goods only. Now fixed
- Select unit. If a unit has notes against it display a notes icon against the unit.
- Print workshop invoice. If supplier warranty provide option to suppress pricing info. To print out something to give to customer
- Payroll : include an option under work types to round computed withholding to nearest dollar
- Get Diagrams from another dealer. Show on window where the EPC data came from. e.g. :