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Australia's best motorcycle shop retail software
- Bug fixes
- Recent changes to c9 inject serious performance penalty with DB performance as c9 is left open for long periods of time. Now fixed (cause backup status in top right of c9 normally refreshes every few seconds but a bug in it can cause it is slowly grow number of times it does this to point where it is doing checks 1000s of times a second. Connected to changes in v 4.742 "Low level bugfix: some timed events would not fire such as alert nags.", the implementation was faulty in terms of how backup status does its thing)
- Point of sale based stock order. Under some very specific and tricky to replicate circumstances c9 would ask ask twice if your POS order is for stocking and would in effect apply the stock order twice if user selected yes both times. Now fixed.
- Point of sale. Bug fixes relating to UOM parts which allow selling out of base component and barcode scanning/ importing when UOM part is already on invoice screen. Consolidated behaviour to default to UOM qty on import/scan.
- Staff report. Could be wonky sometimes on reruns. Obvious when there is only one staff record on the run : one second run would show no results at all. Now fixed
- Honda API invoice import. Was not coping with freight on invoices correctly. Now fixed
- Complex low level bug that has been in c9 since the very beginning. First time some file based updates are done in c9 it might fail. Only specific and rare things can do this and I don't have a concrete example of it happening and no documented instance of it over last 6+ years but noticed it while building new functions in this release and new function was misbehaving. It is entirely possible it might happen elsewhere in c9. ( FileRestore() function broken on first call due to incorrect assumptions about GETSTATE return results on corresponding FileSave() function)
- Tweaks
- Bill+Pay. Would not let you select an expense code. Now fixed
- Orderbook add/modify part. Show current qtys on order in add/modify screen
- Extended Drop shipping functionality in c9
- on a per supplier basis can configure if drop ship is for select customers only or all customers
- On a per supplier basis can configure to default to drop ship or not
- In point of sale is a checkbox option that allows toggling of drop shipping on/off at point of sale (previously as locked to on)
- Some more changes are needed to round out drop shipping 100% to make it more accessible/usable. Main missing ability is ability to modify existing parts or order in order book to fine tune where it will be drop shipped to. To come at a later version of c9