Bug fixes and tweaks
- Finance tradein invoice a tradein unit that is under water with encumbered finance, would trigger a Journal Does not Balance Error. Now fixed.
- Profit summary report : was misreporting deleted unit sales. Potentially affecting following line items:
- All Unit Spares Sold (except predelivery spares)
- Cogs on Spares sold on a unit at point of sale
- Cogs on Spares sold via a deal
- Exotic unit sale scenario can cause full charge of unit sale and destroy left deposit for the sale. Specifics:
- Unit ordered with a referencing spare part via point of sale and a deposit is left. (i.e. power equipment sales)
- F12 pickup jumps to unit sale screen.
- In next screen, operator reselects the customer (or selects a different customer). Causes deposit to reset to $0 but deposit on original spares invoice is still recorded as eaten if sale is taken to completion.
- A few other similar scenarios can trigger it too. e.g. selecting a finance provider.
- Add surcharge. Screen limits you to a max surcharge value of $99.99. Increased to allow upto 999.99
- Magician Fixes
- Polaris
- try and heal from broken/failed connections
- Was returning discount, not buy price.
- SCP working again
- Polaris