Requires database upgrade. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Tweaks and fixes
- Print supplier txn. Would show option to email+a4 for supplier credit / supplier bill when it should show nothing at all.
- Cash till count. Under some circumstances involving doing cash till across multiple terminals, on saving cash till the screen may reload older/incorrect previous saves generated for same day but on different terminal. Now fixed.
- Added new function ORC adjustment to bounce +ve difference between ORC costs and what ORC authorities actually issue as a separate taxable invoice.
- Payroll : voluntary super contributions would bounce incorrectly onto bank statement as increasing payroll payout, not decreasing. Now fixed.
- Miner : ability to query on customer disc type
- Cash till count : a field to just key in the amount of cash counted. Useful for dealers that have counting machines or similar and don't want to bother with separating out notes/coins manually
- Cash Basis GST reporting changes + Floorplan. Prior version of c9 was mishandling these if you selected supplier to record curtail against and would misreport GST (older way we trained creditor integration, a process we no longer recommend). This version fixes the issue when combined with Cash basis reporting + tracking curtailed to supplier for txns added after this upgrade.