Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Tweaks and fixes
- Monza Magician check : working again. Some sort of changes on their systems to cope with changes to warehouses broke our check
- Add payment. Select invoices is a bit smarter about pre-selected txn so you can for example add a bill money and check it off against credit notes that might be already assigned (e.g. settling rebates)
- Some advanced payroll feature adds to capture some non-standard entitlements . specifically
- super paid on overtime and/or allowances
- leave days work like normal work days and accrue same regular + overtime hours (except Leave without pay) + additional leave loading for annual leave. As opposed to default which is normal work hours + leave loading (for annual leave only).
- New workshop job : if select unit with no prior history then default job odo/hour reading to what is stored on units
- Spare parts : new option to flag a part as not being discountable via group/customer discount setting. This setting overrides group discounts or trade discounts but itself can be manually overridden by tweaking line discount on item in point of sale
- Sell units : display/edit unit cost inc GST
- Order for stock via POS where ordering from a supplier, not default OEM: would switch to default OEM order. Keep it with supplier.
- Spares receive + Import c9 e-reference from parts order. Also grab and map the dealers details in as a supplier automatically adjusting who the receive is from.
- Workshop Progress & completion report : sort results by job# or type/job# and allow filtering of results based on type of job (retail, warranty,internal)
- Workshop jobs
- significantly relax restrictions in workshop relating to completed jobs.
- You can now add additional labour etc to completed jobs from modify job screen.
- You can start a job in 'completed' state. To save a heap of clicks for simple jobs already done. Creating a new job in 'completed' state automatically pops open modify job screen
- Other screens and processes generally will have existing restrictions still in play. e.g. you cannot sell parts from spares screen to completed jobs. If job was completed while you were simultaneously selling parts to it, it will fail. Motivation here is you may not have total insight into job to understand whether or not selling is permissible.
- Main workshop screen. Display cost so far for jobs in progress.
- significantly relax restrictions in workshop relating to completed jobs.