Old Javas - you need to upgrade now
This version is where I made good on a warning from over a year ago that java 6 is no longer supported. Many features in this version of c9 will no longer work on old java6. e.g. importing PDF invoices, magician check, remote EPC diagrams etc.
User Interface Changes
This version includes a significant UI change and redefines how enter key works, realigning it closer with how most GUIs work. The original was design inherited from c8 days and was defined by tech c8 was based on back then. C9, in trying to keep things as unchanged as possible replicated original c8 behaviour. This version now does the following.
- When you key in content into a new field , the field turns red to show you field is being modified.
- Now, while the field is red, if you press enter key it will accept the input, instead of triggering the 'OK' button. So instead of clicking out of a field/tabbing you can now check effect of a change by pressing enter on it
- Now, pressing Enter one more time, will trigger OK button, since now there is no 'modified' data to process
Security Changes
This version of c9 modifies how the c9 product communicates with c9s servers to deliver key services to use encrypted channels. Previously only some network traffic was encrypted. The decision whether or not to encrypt was balanced between sensitivity of data transmitted vs accepting increased failure modes with encrypted traffic. The primary crypto required does not work in java 6. The biggest issue with non encrypted data that now forces c9 to switch to all encrypted traffic is not the broader internet, but things that exist in dealer networks. Two issues:
- Antivirus software becoming increasingly promiscuous / invasive about what programs stored on a computer are doing and messing with network traffic.
- Routers/modems doing things like trying to cache responses.
The changes affect many different areas of c9. Broadly:
- Importing PDF invoices
- Magician related stuff
- Remote Fiche diagram stuff
- C9 repo access, other dealer price file access etc
- Miner : standard queries
- Other various bits and pieces
Other changes
- Got Triumph EPC import working again
- Import SYM xls EPC files
- Tweaks and fixes
- View invoiced units. Show invoice date + unit rego.
- On upgrading c9 past this version, messenger will detect if it needs to upgrade because of DB change. If messenger JVM is unattended it will automatically upgrade itself
- Point of sale : under some circumstances c9 would erroneously report that a cash invoice is linked to a workshop job. If you pick a job for part sale then switch back to cash it would then write invoice such that if would misreport as being linked to a job. Purely a visual issue, doesn't trigger any unwanted functional behaviours other than look confusing in some screens, e.g. orderbook
- Mojo magician : some optimizations to try and wind back heavy memory usage
- Unit sale tweaks
- On road costs : write onto suppliers as bill money collections, not bills
- Supplier postings : write description + unit reference where there is no reference
- ORC Adjust tool tweaks
- Post overpays as rebates insteads of convoluted seq of txns previously
- Post underpays as $0 gst bills
- Track what was previously posted to allow for easy review & fine tune adjustments
- View a supplier txn list for suppliers connected to a unit sale. Option to access view unit from highlighted txn