Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Tweaks and fixes
- BAS : was not including refunded/returned payments (cash basis only).
- Modify unit cost : force encumbrance/liability paid by customer to be ex GST
- Unit sale, deposit exceed sale test : does not factor in increased value for tradeins which are underwater (e.g. finance exceeds value of bike). For tradeins where changeover is greater than value of units being sold, don't do deposit test at all.
- Re-computation of debtor payment GST based on invoices actually ticked off propagates to biz activity list, but does not compute correctly, and would propagate wrong payment amounts. Fix is retroactive. Bug impacts cash basis reporting only and only impacts a small minority of payments (where assigned invoices changes after the fact and if those invoices are GST exempt). GST compute is still fine, though total payments may misreport wrong figure.
- View Contact transactions, include option to filter txn list. Allows for sophisticated range filters, e.g. '>1000' only shows txns where amount is greater than $1000 for example.
- Read XLSX file, c9 would struggle to read XLSX files with missing/undefined columns. Now fixed.
- Added importer for Stihl's non standard price files. Should be able to cope with either XLSX or TXT format
- Added java version check for licensing purposes.
- Complete point of sale, some buttons to pop up and select from list of freight options to grab standard freight pricing. Freight options here are different set of freight options visible for web based orders .
- Receive order : allow user to modify/set location for parts being received. For N/C items not received into stock, if location is provided forcefully create a new stock record
- Email template from email invoice screen. Body was limited to 1000 chars, now increased this limit significantly
- Modify job : tweak screen so you don't need to unlock unit to access odo/hours
- Add Parts on job from workshop job. Suppress ask print pick list in these situations
- From Modify job : As picking list reprint is easily accessible from here already
- All all required parts are on order. Nothing to source from stock so nothing to pick
- Forfeit cash voucher : was not posting as taxable income. Now fixed.
- Modify deal: access view customer from here
- Use gift card : on scanning a gift card display some useful stats: face value, amount remaining and amount remaining after this txn is processed
- Sales lead : option to print out a single sales lead
- Workshop clock types : add new option to flag a clock type as being productive (not idle). On timesheet report these clocking reasons will show as 'on', not 'idle'.
- Low level tweak to magician query: strip part number of spaces before querying. (Previously was padded. Non functional change, but tidys things up a bit).
- Price file import improvements:
- Better memorize price files imported so you can look at history of price files imported for a given franchise. Accessible via view / modify franchise
- On select franchise to import, show last import date and # of records modified
- Added new Analytics / KPI report for Honda / Op2Ma reporting programme.
- Open floorplan report : report behaviour when you pick a date to base report on to see historical status as of a given past date was hopelessly broken. Reworked and now returns sane results.
- Workshop Tax invoices : option to print additional text on bottom of all tax invoices. Access via setup -> main setup screen -> workshop tab.
- Parts on order for deal that was subsequently closed. Recent changes to c9 to make parts selling to deal more restrictive have broken this behaviour. Now working again.
- New GL Codes
- New expense code: Repairs / Maintenance
- New asset codes
- Plant and Equipment at Cost
- Plant and Equip Accumulated Depreciation
- Motor Vehicles at Cost
- Motor Vehicles Accumulated Depreciation
- New Equity codes
- Settled sum
- Retained Earnings
- Distribution to Beneficiaries
- New Liability codes
- Codes for payroll liabilities after payrun. e.g. payg and super. New config option in setup that posts to these codes instead. In bank rec, doing a payroll txn will sink to these liabilities codes instead of expense codes if the setup cfg option is enabled.
This version switches in a new PDF reader library, more complete and capable. New library impacts importing of PDFs into c9. I've tested new library against 260+ different supplier invoices that worked previously and these will still import correctly. But new library means some PDFs that previously would import may no longer work. New PDF library is mainly to provide more capable importer to decode some PDF based Fiche data I am looking at, also can be used to improve the print paperwork preview screen with a better, more capable renderer.