Includes database changes. You need to log terminals out during upgrade
- Trivial Tweaks
- Edit clock type screen. billable checkbox text partially obscured fixed
- Spares fine print in combo with remit details where remit address is 2 lines : text overlaps. Fixed
- Newly added point of sale freight type screen. Window says 'website settings', renamed to something more sensible.
- Minor tweaks and fixes
- Deposits on jobs fixes
- Deposits left on internal dealer jobs would get silently eaten and disappear due to very old pre general ledger code. Now fixed
- When user tries to modify a dealer job with deposits c9 will not allow them to go ahead. (makes no sense to leave money on an internal job).
- (did not make this version. next one) Font sizing on main spares point of sale screen : a very specific combination of certain screen resizing + invoice manipulation events done in right order can mess up font sizes on screen making fonts progressively smaller until the screen becomes unusable. Now fixed.
- Purchase unit from another : default ABN to use supplier ABN if they have one
- Web order based emails would keep sending email alerts on backorder parts every time unrelated backorder items would trickle in. Fixed so it only sends one email first time parts go onto backorder for the weborder. (Existing non web sales sms/email already behave this way, this change only impacts the combo of backorders on parts ordered via c9 based websites).
- Deposits on jobs fixes
Single Touch Payroll
This version includes first iteration of single touch payroll export. The implementation is untested (test lifecycle painfully slow). C9 implements STP via a 3rd party: C9 will emit a CSV file you import into single touch in order to meet your reporting requirements.
Specific changes:
- Option in modify payrun to export a STP file
- Some new settings on staff to capture more info specifically.
- State (defaults to dealership state if not set)
- Basis (full time, part time, casual)
- Whether or not TFN declaration was been signed
- Added new clerk permission to capture payroll declaration permission. Implement this on export ABA too.
- Longer term, looking to do a more seamless / electronic integration. Dependent on single touch responsiveness who are probably flat out ATM helping lots of people get STP compliant. Work in progress.