Includes database changes you need to log all terminals out during upgrade
Misc Changes
- Magician check for Mojo : working again. (New version is heaps faster)
- Added optional support for 2 factor login on c9 via SMS. On login, will send a verify code via SMS to mobile number linked to login which needs to be keyed into c9 to work.
- Subtle bugfix with unit deals when you have multiple units on a deal and units have same part numbers on them, uninvoiced. Under some usage scenarios qtys for spares would double up when you go to modify one of the units on the deal. Should now be fixed.
- This version includes a number of experimental simplified accounting period summary reports using data mostly derived from GL chart and activity report. Under business reports. Specifically:
- P/L Statement
- Trading Statement
- Balance sheet
Payroll Changes
This version includes a wide number of payroll changes to better support single touch reporting requirements and scenarios. It includes a working implementation of STP that connects to ATO EVTE platform only and is able to meet ATO's conformance testing requirements. This version of STP is not yet production ready and functionality is disabled by default. Future versions will enable as soon as c9 passes their verification process, which is currently pending on the ATO to get back to us.
Specific Payroll changes:
- New pay item type : lump sums to track lump sum payouts
- New pay item type: ETP for employer termination payouts
- Ne pay items to track FBT
- Allowances : optional configuration of allowance type for standard allowances (car, travel etc)
- Allow tracking of Fee deduction types (Fees or workplace giving)
- Track TFN declarations more carefully
- Tracking signing date and date the declaration was synced to ATO
- Track Student financial supplement scheme on TFN form