- Tweaks and fixes
- Import PDF invoices. Some oddness with Cox invoice encoding require a change to c9 itself to deal with. Now working.
- Bank rec generic txn. Some txn types will silently fail to add but still will post a GL journal which cannot be deleted. Now fixed.
Some bugs in spares order receival for power equipment which contains units or a mix of units + spare parts. . Bugs became obvious with trying to import Husky PE PDF files where some Husky PE gear contains excessively long serial numbers which could trigger a cascade of issues.
- Unit spec on non stock items not being retrieved correctly. Would only track/retrieve details for items on stock file. Now fixed
- Add smarts to cope with PDF imported serial numbers being bigger than 20 chars which is c9s VIN limit. Bring in / display more than 20 but do not let user go ahead until shortened manually
- If more than one unit on import had same effective 6 digit trimmed VIN c9 would fail to receive the order because of resulting duplicate. Was not smart enough to make sure these were unique when considering other units on same receival, (but was smart enough to make sure they are unique WRT units already in the system). Which then can trigger our final bug:
- On reattempting to complete a receival that failed as per above, c9 would stuff up quantities in un-intuitive ways. Just two of many examples: it would reset qty to receive to zero and it would then double up qty to stock. c9 was not able to cope with retrying a failed receival. Now repaired.