Fixes and Tweaks
- Cykel Magician check : now working again
- Workshop invoice and estimate printing changes
- consolidated estimate print out to be visually nearly same as a tax invoice : solves a number of various issues with printing discount lines etc
- Print config is now managed in Setup in new workshop 2 tab. Previously c9 would memorize prior setting. Now has its own default config setting
- Tax invoice / pro forma : option to suppress part numbers or techs : for jobs in job list which are really quotes
- Payroll changes
- Unused annual leave in severance pay is not subject to super guarantee. Tweaked rules a bit WRT computing severance
- browse notifications. Filter out any message where header contains word 'payslip'.
- Backorder Cancelled order sms notifications. C9 is supposed to send SMS, one per customer to alert on backorders and cancelled orders and this setting is supposed to respect the individual invoice notification config but was not working properly. Now working. In event of a receival that touches multiple invoices for same customer, if any of the invoices that contain back order or cancelled parts satisfy rule the SMS message will advise on all relevant parts.
- System level changes
- Backup verify status when reporting BADCONN would ordinarily wait 24 hours before retrying. Instead retry every 15 minutes. Some usage patterns are inappropriate for a 24 hour wait. (i.e. consistently tranistory internet access right on midnight would mean terminal always shows BADCONN)