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Release 4.817 & 4.818 April 8, 2020 barney

Payroll changes

  • Added a new Payroll item type + supporting GL codes: garnished wages for capturing child support
  • Bank rec add other : new txn type to bounce garnished wages clearing liability
  • Edit payroll records. Added alerts to steer users away from common input errors : -ve / +ve values for various payroll types and using advanced pay items without double checking.


  • KTM / Husky part image import. Skip over parts with placeholder image. mostly just straight up spares like screws etc and just clutter up the fitment web pages
  • add/edit Website menu. Add new option to configure sorting of items in menu by list price or part number. Only works for v3 websites.
  • Bugfix with recent multi image import support added for Fox. Was broken when reimporting fresh images : when reimporting would only grab the last image in the set (whereas a fresh import would work fine). Now fixed.