Triumph UK have a system in play where your stock file is daily synced with their systems which allows them to implement their own magician like dead stock finder.
Following post explains how to enable this in c9. Once setup in c9 it is all done and just automatically works every day without any further involvement.
To setup:
1. Spares -> utilities -> add / edit franchise.
2. Highlight triumph franchise and click on modify.
3. Goto Magician / Network tab and make following changes.
3a) in magician if it is not already set to Spares -> motorcycles -> triumph, hit the select button and select triumph from list
3b) click on option 'Enable automatied distributor reporting'. This tells c9 you are giving c9 permission to send your triumph stock file to triumph every day
3c) key in Triumph ID into API key slot. Contact PS importers for info on what your key is if you do not know what it is.
4) Click OK to save changes. All Done!
Note: on older versions of c9, the API Key field will be on Network #2 tab.