The following page describes how to setup your c9 to manage this promo. This will apply for either in-store sales or web sales
Make sure you do following first
- Update c9 to latest version
- Update KTM price file from Repo
The KTM price file in repo contains a couple of things that help feed this. Specifically promo parts are tagged as being on a promo and what promo discount is for those parts. The next steps explain what you need to do to get c9 to pay attention to these tags.
In your c9 after updating, when you look at a promo part you'll see the following in F2:
There are two tags:
- promo:ktm-xmas-2020 which tags this part as being in a current promo, called ktm-xmas-2020
- promo-discount:<xx.yy> which tags the discount that should apply for this item
Configuring c9
In c9 goto spares -> utilities -> add edit franchise
Goto advanced tab
In this tab we want to add a rule
If you have other rules you need to make sure XMas promo is the first rule
Now rule settings need to be like this:
Walking through this:
- condition must be the following exactly. This tells c9 this rule applies for parts which have a ktm-xmas-2020 promo set
- Price break. This is used to make sure retail for these parts is RRP, not your markups. Very Important : make sure your accessories franchise in edit franch has no markups set. If it does you'll need to create a new empty franchise called 'RRP Markups', set markups to 0 and use that instead.
- Def Discount attribute. This tels c9 where to source discounts from. Must be
- Force supplier to order from. KTM require these parts to be separated and sent to them sepatately. To do this hit select and create a new supplier called KTM Promo. Now when you drop these parts into point of sale they will default to KTMPROMO supplier which will separate them out from your ordinary Daily/Stock orders.
Configuring Website
There are two steps for website side of things
Step 1 - Add a page
Business -> website -> website structure.
Add a new page for your KTM promo. In advanced tab you want to set following:
- partmap Key to promo
- partmap Value to ktm-xmas-2020
Step 2 - Get promo discounts to apply
Contact Barney to enable this on your website.