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Release 4.868 January 21, 2021 barney

This version of c9 includes some changes and tweaks relevant to remote c9 access.

There is a new version of remote c9 as well.  Downloaded here (

New C9/Remote are interoperable with older Remote/c9 but there are some niggles where things work a bit smoother with both upgraded.

Some specifics:

  • Workshop Scheduler now remotely accessible
  • C9 provides visual feedback if been accessed remotely (at top right bar). It will complain if accessing using older remote client
  • Some minor visual tweaks
    • Notify bar now appears at top right
    • Some minor styling stuff, like border colors on top status bar backup/verify/version traffic lights
  • Low level changes and improvements. Too difficult to describe in too much detail. Remote c9 and c9 in shop need to keep 'state' of screen widgets, buttons etc, their positions, size, contents etc in sync.  Some changes here to do this more robustly, better controlling flow of changes from remote to c9 and c9 to remote. Under some circumstances changes could pingpong back and forth which would result in some odd things happening via remote creating hysteresis effects; for example a selection on a list toggling between two different selections and getting stuck doing this. This issue is substantially caused by different hysteresis guards added into more recent c9s which didn't impact older remotes but were improperly implemented and become obvious on a remote client rebuild. New versions of both include a more robust mechanism for managing shared state between remote and c9 core and making sure changes annouced by one endpoint are less likely to be reflected back by the other.