Includes DB changes you need to log terminals out during upgrade
- Fix a loophole in spares point of sale where you can force sale to a supplier. (Select customer, add customer, enter in supplier phone number to trigger existing contact check, select supplier ,this pathway skips supplier check).
- Unit Sales / Deals : not tallying paid by dealership costs correctly on invoice.
- Unit Sales / Deals : move deposit paid into payment line, to make invoice format consistent with workshop jobs
- Delete BAS form not working, did not delete GL posting. Now fixed.
- Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 work
- initial work to add in new fields on staff such as cessation reason, country code etc
- Leave recording changes for salaried and (Wages+Treat Leave Days as normal work days) setting. Previously $ figures would not be reported separately and would just roll into normal salary/wages lines. But STP Phase 2 requires this information to be separated out
- Bugfix with backdated leave on wages for partial day leave, variations on backdated overtime could be incorrect. Now fixed.
- Bugfix with termination pay on salaried employees using a employment type that defines overtime hours. Termination pay would factor in overtime hours when amortizing unused leave is not a relevance for salaried payrolls. Generally payrolls shouldn't be configured this way but never-the-less is a bug.