Includes database changes. You'll need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Tweaks and fixes
- Payroll money report. Was no longer tallying allowances such as tool allowance. Now fixed. (regression bug caused by recent STP Phase 2 changes)
- Workshop jobs filter by location : show all jobs for a given mechanic if that mechanics location matches the current filtered location (irrespective of where the jobs are tagged)
- Browse fitment : add a horizontal scrollbar to supers parts for fitments where the super-cession chain is massive.
- Profit summary report changes:
- Was not including generic income (or refunds). Now included
- Sell parts to workshop internal department : system would incorrectly merge parts previously sold meaning the additional part would show up in profit summary for date of original part, not current date. Now fixed.
- Import parts + images from Monza B2B: working again.
- New config setting for new workshop jobs. Forces location to be blank and forces operator to explicitly pick a location on creating a new job
- V4 migrated payroll data bugfix, was possible to unlock and redo a v4 created payrun and it would double things up on general ledger. Now fixed
- disallow converting a deal into a quote